AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 07/20/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Big Mac, Mrs. Doubtfire, Papa Smurf, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Papa Smurf

The BackBlast:

The Workup Warma-rama

Would it be a workout with a circle around the parking lot, and onto Cattlemen, and then back? We then did the obligatory Strawberry Pickers, Windmill, Imperial Walker and Mountain Climbers. One issue; Smurf started the strawberries as windmills.

The Thang

The main event was a simple 11 on the hill. Flutter kicks at the bottom, and Freddy Mercury at the top. Pax were good sports as the bear crawl down, requested, was a bear, and the nur up the hill not a bit of relief. This took a far long time and would have been easier as 7’s.

Pax then got to roll the dice. Note that they are large, styrofoam Dollar Tree dice, if any one wants to borrow. The following was the setup, each had to roll and 15 each. Easy:

  • 1: Sidestraddle
  • 2: Mercurys
  • 3: Carolina Drydock
  • 4: Dips
  • 5: Big Boy situps
  • 6: Squats

With 15 minutes left, pax did modified Dora, with one running the tower while other worked the ladder. In groups of two, we had:

  • 100 Drydocks
  • 200 Lunges
  • 300 Hammers

When the time got close, we did the hammers as a group.

Announcements: Smurf recommended that folks read the excellent newsletter from Dasani. Big Mac advised on energy drink sale at Publix.
Prayers: Smurf father in law.

On and out.

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