AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 11/10/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Cat 5, Comiskey, Jimmy Dean, Lobstah, Sea Duty, Spartan, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Cat 5

The BackBlast:

YCH welcomed the brave PAX. 5 core principles and disclaimer were shared.
Warm-up: Mozy, each PAX lead a warmup excerise, no more than 15 reps. Wolverine lead SSH, Spartan lead strawberry pickers, Usher lead windmills, Sea Duty imperial walkers, comiskey LBCs, Lobstah lead Michael Phelps. YHC lead pickle pointers.
The Thang: Dora
201-Monkey Humpers
Run was around the inside of the chamber.
Merkin Ladder
Round of Merry:
Usher lead windmills
Spartan lead wide merkins
Wolverine led squats in cadence
Sea Duty lead flutter kicks
Lobstah lead American hammers

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