AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 12/22/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Mrs. Doubtfire, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

Every Pax should make the trek down to Bee Hive.  Why?  Why not?!  For YHC, today holds a special meaning.

Two years ago, my father passed away due to complications from COVID-19.  He had been ill for some time, and the last few years had resulted in a poor quality of life.  The most difficult part for his family was that we were not there to say good bye or for the funeral.


At 5:15, and two other Pax present, we began:

Mission Statement

5 Core Principles


Warm o Rama – SSH, Arm circles (forward and reverse), strawberry pickers.  All IC, all x 12




YHC had laid out the following on the ground:

2 x 15# dumbbells

2 x 20# dumbbells

jump rope

30# kettlebell

15# slamball


Pax would pick one of the toys and perform the exercise of their choice.  The third pax would put on the ruck (20# plate) and walk the perimeter of the designated area.  Once the rucking pax returned, another pax would grab the ruck, and the other two grab  a toy for another exercise.

Continue this patter until 30 minutes had elapsed.




Announcements/Prayer Requests

War Daddy – Snapshot

War Baby – YHC (yes, we were an old group of men today)

Prayers for all those traveling in the cold weather

Family friendly beatdown this Saturday, 12/24.  2.0s and entire family welcome.  7am launch.


Following COT, we had a great conversation about forgiving oneself.  Also enjoyed coffee!

Great morning with great men!


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


Merry Christmas!


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