AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 11/03/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: AirWolf, Brutus, Chilipepper, Cornhole, Crabcakes, Fireball, Goob, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Stagecoach

The BackBlast:

Arrived a few minutes early to the beatdown, met with Crabcakes who took off on a long run with Cornhole and Goob. I set up the 4 corners and had a few minutes to kill, so I took a 1.5 mile mosey as the rest of the PAX congregated.



“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.”

Lets start with a MOZY

All exercises in Cadence 

1) Next Exercise is….

2) Starting position move…

3) In Cadence

4) Exercise 

Warm up:

SSH (4 count)

Strawberry Pickers (4 count)

Merkins (4 count)

L/R/C leg stretches

Burpees!!! 5 count

The Tang:

Rinse and repeat from the 9/27 and birthday beatdowns.. 4 Corners, do prescribed workout at each corner with a lil twist. We started with he SW corner, once the prescribed exercises were completed as a PAX, we were to run an entire lap in order to progress to the next cornet the NW. We com pelted 2 full laps. 


2 Burpees

9 Big Boys

27 SSH’s

RUN a full LAP go to next station

2 SSH’s

9 Burpees

27 Big Boys

RUN a full LAP go to next station

2 Big Boys

9 SSH’s

27 Burpees 

RUN a full LAP go to next station

2 Burpees

9 Big Boys

27 SSH’s 

RUN a full LAP go to next station

2nd Lap : Consisted of 3 exercises broken out into 19, 7 and 3 reps:

19 Shoulder Taps

7 Merkins

3 Big boys

Run a full LAP go to next station

19 Monkey Humpers

7 Plank Jacks 

3 Star Jumps

Run a full LAP go to next station

19 Apollo Ono’s

7 Burpees

3 Pickel Pointers

Run a full LAP go to next station

19 Monkey Humpers

7 Plank Jacks

3 Star Jumps





Glow Run 5k, lets support Cat 5

Outlaw Run, Tuesday before Thanksgiving

Gobbler Challenge, see Chili

Step up challenge, Veterans Day

Chad 1000



On Monday my buddy Jay had biopsies done on his lung and lymph node’s, unfortunately they came back cancerous..

Condensor’s 2.0 collarbone

All F3 leaders local and nationwide

Coutour’s wife Jessica, she has been texting Airwolf’s wife. Good sign in her recovery



It was a pleasure Q’ing this bunch…

Special shout out to Chilipepper, he did the entire beatdown with his Ruck on.. Beastmode…


STAGECOACH out?  C’mon…


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