AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 03/19/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Abacus, Jimmy Dean, Mr. Clean, Saban, Six Pack, Uppercut,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Abacus, Uppercut, Mr Clean, Six Pack, Jimmy Dean, Saban

QIC: Mr Clean

The BackBlast:

It was great to see Jimmy Dean and Six Pack arrive just before the beatdown started.

Quick disclaimer as there were no FNG’s… We headed off with the Mosy around the parking lot doing some butt kickers, high knees and side shuffle we circled up for 10 SSH’s, Strawberry Pickers and in honor of JD we did bad back stretches (Aka Jimmy Deans)


Time to introduce the Watchtower crew to Snipers ladder.

Ladder consisting of the following and between exercises one lap around the parking lot. Each time you did the exercises you have done plus one more till you did them all. 

SSH’s – 20

Over Head Claps – 20

Squats – 20

LBC’s – 20

Carolina Dry Docks – 20

Lunges – 10 each leg

American Hammers – 20 (counting 1 side)

Merkins – 20

Peter Parkers – 20

Burpees – 10

With a few minutes left we did a quick round of Mary doing some merkins, LBC’s, Freddy Mercuries and one more which I can not remember. lol



Announcements –

Gator Wilderness run 4/23

Sup and Run 4/30

Bayside Mens Night – 4/25

Prayers –
Ukraine and the world leaders

Those suffering with side effects from covid and the side effects of the vaccines

First Responders and Military

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