AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 11/04/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Dasani, Rapino, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Temp 69  No Humidity, No Mosquitos (or so we thought)

As your YHC was setting up I noticed that there was a mama deer and her fawn feeding on the grass in the median of the parking area.  I tried to get close to take a picture and the  mamma took off, but the fawn was a little braver and hung around for a few moments.

We began with the 5 core principles, and disclaimer.

After some stretching we took off on our Mozey, like three deer running through the parking lot, around the circle then back to the beginning spot.

The Thang

Each of the parking aisles had flash cards for the exercises that we would perform.  After each exercise we would do a different mode of transportation to the next aisle.  MOT includes Run, NUR, Toy Soldiers, Hillbilly Walkers, Walking Rope Climes and others.  The exercises we did were as follows, but not in this order:

20 Mountain Climbers
20 Dying Cockroaches
20 Heals To Heaven
10 Burpees
25 American Hammers
20 Apollo Ono’s
20 Bobby Hurleys
20 Merkins
20 Toy Soldiers
20 Crab Jacks
30 Overhead Claps
20 Freddie Mercurys
30 Side Straddle Hops
20 Carolina Dry Docks
25 Imperial Walkers
20 Strawberry Pickers
20 Windmills
15 Each Leg Moroccan Night Clubs
30 LBC
20 Monkey Humpers

That is 20 different exercises followed by 20 MOT

We finished up at 6:01 and all felt great!

Announcements:  Wild Pax – C’mon, Holiday runs coming up.

Praises:  YHC liver tests coming back negative.

Prayers: Dasani’s daughter upcoming medical test.  Condensor’s son’s collar bone.  All other pax needing prayers.

Always an honor to lead!



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