AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 09/14/2022


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names: Bing, Chilipepper, Fireball, Papa Smurf, Probert, Sonic Boom, Spartan, Suzie Q, Teletubby, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

Full disclaimer – YHC cannot take full credit for today’s beatdown.  The idea comes from F3 Winston-Salem’s own Bluto, who crafted this idea for a kettlebell workout a few years ago.  So kudos to Bluto (one of the nicest guys out there).

With the ruckers electing to stay for the beatdown, at 515 it was time to get started!


Mission Statement and 5 Core principles stated.


One hit wonders.  We all know them…or do we?  How well can the pax identify and name a given one hit wonder song?  That was the test for today.


Warm o Rama

SSH, IST, Arm circles (forward and reverse), strawberry pickers, squats.  All IC, all x 14.  Then Plank for about 30 seconds.




Mosey over to the far end of the parking lot.


Count off by fours.


There were four stations, numbered 1 – 4.  At each station, there were directions for four exercises.  Perform 15 reps of each exercise on the cardboard and repeat for the entire length of the song.

At the end of the song, the group at station 1 gets to guess the name of the song and the artist.

If they are correct, the entire group gets to run to publix and back.

If the are incorrect – 5 burpees and another group gets to guess.  If they are wrong – 10 burpees.  If they are right – run to Publix and back.

Once pax are back from running or done with burpees, rotate to the next station.

Continue this pattern until the Q says stop.


Station 1:  Squats, R leg lunge, L leg lunge, jump squats

Station 2:  LBC, flutter kicks, low dolly, peter parker

Station 3:  Merkins, Hand release merkins, double wide merkins, diamond merkins

Station 4:  SSH, Butt kickers, running with scissors, high knees


The songs?

I Ran – A Flock of Seagulls…. correctly identified (run)

Flagpole Sitta – Harvey Danger….amazingly identified by Spartan??? (run)

Chelsea Dagger – The Fratellis….not identified correctly (burpees), then identified (run)

You Get What You Give – New Radicals…identified correctly (run)

Rush – Big Audio Dynamite…correctly identified (run)


Time for Mary!

LBCs and plank





Great group of guys this morning.  Appreciate the ruckers staying for the beatdown.

Teletubby has quickly become a regular….almost time to step up and lead

Sonic Boom was busy capturing footage for the next hype video

Pretty sure someone was using Shazaam….

Happy to see Papa Smurf…always enjoy his sense of humor.

TClaps to Usher and Probert for the partner work

I would have thought Usher and Spartan would have known Chelsea Dagger….lets go Hawks!!!


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Iron Pax – this Friday at Bad Clown

Wild Pax

VMA – this Friday – assist with gym classes.  Reach out to Brutus.

F3 Suncoast – hoping to provide safe spaces for women, should they want to be near…in light of horrific abduction of woman runner.

2nd F dinner – last Wednesday of month – 6pm at Poblanos

Prayers for Heisenberg (F3 Jacksonville)

Prayers for Ripkens father


YHC took us out.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


Have a great rest of your week.




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