When: 02/23/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Mr. Clean, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap, Thor,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

2/23/2021  HH Beatdown 0515

66F clear with plenty of morning dew

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

Warm up

  • Mosey lap around parking lot karaoke’s, butt kickers, toy soldiers, high knees

Circle up:

Arm circles, strawberry pickers, ssh, shoulder taps, peter Parkers, triangle Merkins, v-ups, agitators


Octagon routine: ~100 yards completes one round then next exercise

(Stay together as group)

  • 5 reps burpees at all 6 cones, MOT = duck walk
  • 10 reps swimmer Merkins x’s 6““ MOT = bear crawl
  • 15 reps Carolina dry docks x’6 MOT = side shuffle
  • 20 heels to heaven x’s 6“” MOT = side shuffle other side
  • 25 reps plank Jacks x’s 6“” MOT = sprint
  • 30 reps salsa dips x’s 6“” MOT = nur

0601 Circle of Trust ( judgement free zone) COT


– May 14&15  GrowRuck get registered

– Siesta Key Ruck 2/27 0900 meet at yellow life guard tower


– For Pax continuing to come out in gloom and lead as Q


– For the health of Spinal Tap’s younger Brother F3 Nemo


An honor an a pleasure to serve in this capacity!

– Sir Wallace


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