AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 01/04/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Brutus, Crabcakes, Enron, Pincher, Ripken, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ripken

The BackBlast:

12 hours before, Cottontail informed us that he had a hangnail and couldn’t ride today.  He asked a sub-Q, but no one volunteered.  At the witching hour, Ripken stepped up and designed a Q from whole cloth…pretty standard for a Ripken Q.

Just an hour earlier, 4 hardy pax showed up at 5:00 for a freeze-your-nads-off ride to Fruitville and back.  Trump was huffing a bit from travel fartsacking.  He claims hotels don’t have gyms anymore, and he forgot that F3 is nationwide.  Here’s the link for the next time you travel.

The wind was blowing N to S, so we thought we were Lance Armstrong on the “out” stretch.  The “in” stretch, we were amazingly human again.  The water spray from the sprinklers turned to snow as it left the speedy tires and was atomized.

At 6:00, Trump and Crabcakes dropped off and Brutus and Enron appeared from behind the bushes.  What happens behind the bushes, stays behind the bushes.  Pincher and Ripken endured the 2 hours of -30 wind chill factor.  Toes and fingers may never thaw out.

All pax survived, didn’t pull a Mr. Clean wipeout this time and Bing didn’t catch a cold (his excuse for snuggling with his M instead of riding).  Prayers for travels, prayers for Crabcakes family visitor stress and prayers for Ripken’s 2.0 headed back to college.

Don’t forget about 1/8 Re-invigorate beatdown.  Bring someone.  Hit the sign up sheet and bring something on the list too.  Let’s max out the Bridge of Life 5k on 2/5, we’re the second place team now…let’s take the 1st place spot!

Ripken out!

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