AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 12/15/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: AirWolf, Crabcakes, Goob, Hacksaw, Manziel, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

4 Pax showed up for a Winn-Dixieland Wednesday beatdown and were joined by a running duo (Crabcakes and Goob) just in time for MoM and CoT.  I’m wondering if everyone went to University Corner.  Looking for any feedback if this is because I was on Q and that kept folks away. -AirWolf

– high knees
– butt kickers
– karaoke (switch)
– toy soldiers
– 10 4-count merkins

4 corners
– 7 burpees
– 14 big boys
– 21 merkins
– 28 squats

11s drill
– Carolina Drydocks & Lunges (each side)

MoM: 30/60/90 (Crabcakes), 1-minute plank (Goob)

CoT: Salvation Army event is Thursday, but get your name to Brutus if you plan to attend.  Rumor is if you try to Starsky the event and post to Motorworks you will be shunned.

Sign up for the GlowRun and support Cat 5 in his first “official” 5K!

TaPs for Jay and Ben, good friends of Stagecoach and Goob, respectively, who are both in fights with cancer. Stay strong!  Also, prayers for Cudchewer (Pax from CLE) and his daughters as they work through their grief from his M’s unexpected passing just before Thanksgiving.  The memorial service was just this past weekend, so they are still trying to find the “new normal”.

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