AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 05/20/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Condenser, Corn Syrup, Dasani, Lancelot, Rapino, Sir Wallace, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Corn Syrup

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:

YHC rolled in at 5:05 and was excited to see more than the usual 3-4 pax. Also to my surprise an FNG who found us during this past weekend’s GrowRuck! He said he “saw a bunch of guys carrying logs and wanted to be a part of it”… brave soul.

The mumblechatter was mostly directed at the FNG getting him up to speed on F3.
0515 YHC called attention and recited the five core principles followed by disclaimers.

Warm Up:
Windmills 10x in cadence
Imperial Walkers 10x in cadence
Merkins 10x in cadence
SSH 10x in cadence

Mosi around the parking lot included butt kickers, high kneees and caraoca .

The Thang:
We counted off 1-7. Pax lined up across the parking lot. One pax would Frog jump from our starting line to a determined area (30 or so yards ahead) and then run back. Meanwhile the remaining pax would perform an exercise until their return. The next pax in line would then frog jump and return. Rinse and repeat until all pax had completed.
While we rotated pax frog jumping, the remaining performed Merkins, LBC’s, Overhead claps, Carolina Dry Docks, Moraccan night clubs, and Big Boy Sit Ups.

Next we circled up for a round of Captain Thors in cadence.
Starting at 1:4 going to 10:40. This is where the mumblechatter increased significantly. We spent a moment determining the most effective count sequence and proceeded to burn out the abs. We made it to 7:32 before YHC called an audible.

Snapshot gave us a 10 count and we proceeded to 10x merkin Jax in cadence.

Lastly an indigenous people run the long way around the parking lot to keep the heart rate up before circling up for a cool down round.
For the cool down YHC had the pax on their six… take a moment to slow their breathing..relax their shoulders and jaw muscles. Slow down the thoughts for just a minute and reflect on the suck that just occured.

While we cooled down and loosened up YHC shared that while the King Builder had me feeling completly renewed, re-energized and re-envigorated, I was very quickly knocked off the pedestal when life happenings smacked YHC in the face over the weekend. The message I took from that experience was this:
Life is never predictable. Right when you think you have it all figured out and have made it to where you’re going, the game changes. But isnt that what it’s supposed to do? Is that not why we are always working to be better? To be ready? Training, studying, learning, evolving? That is what life is supposed to be. An ever changing journey that has no finish line. When you feel like you’ve really got life by the jewels, …well my friend, get ready for a new challenge!
Growth comes from discomfort. And having everything figured out seems a bit too comfortable to be able to grow. Would you agree?

Lastly a round of stretching the legs as they took a beating today.

YHC tried to change the game up a bit with today’s beatdown. Not the typical cadence or exercise rotation. A bit different ending to the beatdown.
Thank you to those who joined and those who were there in spirit.
Thank you for your fellowship.

Welcome FNG Corn Syrup!

Congratulations & Thank You’s to participants and suppport for GTE 18
Potential JAcksonville Wild Pax convergence coming Dec

Snapshots brother in law David is recovering well

Our nation

Always a pleasure
Dasani – Out

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