When: 05/04/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Mugsy, Olympus, Passport, Sir Wallace, Thor,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

What a great way to start my bday than a beatdown at HH!! we had a F3 brother visitor from NC (tater hole, or something like that..). Started, as always, with the 5 F# core principles.

Mosi consisted on 2 laps around the parking lot, with skips, sideshuffles, ner, lunges, toy soldiers, and bird feeders. We, of course, ad to do some specific running drills like A-Skip and B-Skip (to show off to our visitor).

The Thang:

I had the Pax choose between 1 and 20 (they were two different workouts). I originally had 3 workouts planned (the other one was “43”, hence my bday), but that workouts was picked by the pax on my impromptu Q on Saturday at AP…

Pax chose 20. So here it is:

  •  in 1 min: 20 lunges (20 each leg), run a lap
  • in 2 mins: 20 lunges (20 each leg), 20 squats, run a lap
  • in 3 mins: 20 lunges (20 each leg), 20 squats, 20 merkins, run a lap
  • in 4 mins: 20 lunges (20 each leg), 20 squats, 20 merkins, 20 Carolina DD, run a lap
  • in 5 mins: 20 lunges (20 each leg), 20 squats, 20 merkins, 20 Carolina DD, 20 star jumps, run a lap
  • in 6 mins: 20 lunges (20 each leg), 20 squats, 20 merkins, 20 Carolina DD, 20 star jumps, 20 spidermans, run a lap

The last set was shortened to 30 sec per exercise as we were close to 6am. Finished right at 6am. Nice and sweaty.

Announcement: Grow Ruck, Bible Studies

Praises/Prayers: Passport baby #4 is soon to happen, mugsy’s new job starting tomorrow.


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