AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 03/10/2022


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Condenser, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Condenser, SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Welcome to summer, we skipped spring.  Temp at 5:15, 73° and 100% humidity.

It was just Condenser and YHC this morning.  We started of with mozey half way around the parking lot. Stopping for SSH, Strawberry Pickers, and Merkins.  Condensor took over for some stretching excercises.

Next Condenser had us plank walk the length of the lot using the parking bumpers.  On the way back  we lunge walked.  YHC mapped out a route for a set of 11’s doing merkins and CDD’s.

Condenser took over for a mozey to the main lane of the lot.  The idea was to stop at first intersection and do Big Boys, starting with one and increasing to ten.  We would do one, then run to the end of the lot and do two and then back and so on.  After finishing that we did the same thing only doing squats.

To finished up we did a quick walk around the lot to keep our sweat up.

Announcements: Raider Run, SUP n Run, Gator Qilderness Run, 2nd F March 24 at Glory Days.

Prayers: Condensers mother in law, Snapshots sister in law.

Praises: Ms. Doughtfires recovery.

Goes to show that you can Led without a designated leader.

Go and make the day!

SnapShot 📸

1 thought on “Bayside Duo”

  1. My apologies, I was supposed to ‘Q that day but got my dates wrong. Self inflicting penalties will be administered. – Sir Wallace


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