AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 05/27/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Condenser, Dasani, Hardhat, Schweitzer, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:

Weather: 65ish and GLOOM

YHC arrived at 0455 and put some finishing touches on the upcoming beatdown.
Snapshot and the remaining pax arrived in time for some mumblechatter before 0515

At 0513 an unfamiliar truck rolled in – Matt, later known as Maui had sent a facebook message yesterday inquiring about when/where we workout. His M joined F5 and he had posted once before at AP on a Saturday morning but never returned.  It seemd today he found us again!

0515: 5 core principles, and disclaimer was made and we were off for a mosi around the parking lot.
Circled up for a round of SSH, Windmills & Imperial Walkers
YHC instructed the pax that for the next 40 minutes to give it All.You.Got.

The Thang:
YHC had a partially formed idea that came together with the help of condenser – Thanks!
Pax lined up and did an AMRAP of the called exercise while one pax would move to the other end of the parking lot and bak with carying modes of transportation. ONce a pax returned, the next would move to the end and back….rinse and repoeat until all pax had gone and come back.

The first exercise: American Hammers
Mod of transport: ALL YOU GOT! SPRINT

Next exercise: Flutter Kicks
Mod of transport: Caraoca

Next exercise: Tricp Dips
Mod of transport: Frog Jump

Circled up for 25x squats followed by 30-60-90
Off for an indigenous people run around the parking lot.

Next came an exercise I found in the Exicon 🙂

Pax lays flat on then ground in a line, Q says go. Everyone hops up similar to recovering from a burpee, and sprints 5 – 10 steps, then dives down flat on the ground remaining in line. Essentially, you’re advancing the field without the enemy fire being able to smoke you. Go hard, go quick. After getting to your resting place, complete upper, and core routines, then do a different upper, core routine, then belch back to the starting point, mission accomplished.

We did 2 “rounds” of this with Freddie Mercury’s, Flutter Kicks and of course Burpees.

Lastly we mosi’ed over and circled up around the flag pole and ended with 6x Motivators to take us to 0600

YHC left the pax with this message:
Everyone one of us have had that day when it felt like everything was out of whack, everything was crumbling and we couldnt get ahead… the good news is  that your survival rate of those days is 100% You survived every single one of them. So the next time you find yourself there, remember, you’re batting 1,000. Take a swing. You got this!

Murph – Monday at AP. Great fellowship opportunity. 2.0’s(ons) are welcome
Wildpax in Dec. start training now
Canceled in St. Pete has a team formed for Run Across America June 12th. Lets  join and support the mission. We will have a St.Pete and Suncoast AO that day for the run.

We’re here
Maui’s son is healthy and growing

Maui and his mammon journey
Trane’s M Sarah as she recovers from surgery
YHC’s M and her mother’s relationship

Thank you gentlemen –
Dasani, Out


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