AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 04/12/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Cavallino, Enron, Lobstah, Manziel, Ripken, Road Rash, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: CrabCakes

The BackBlast:

Road Rash also in attendance….

Overcast skies 69 degrees humidity 94%

PAX gathered in the parking lot just outside the pavilion for the 0515 start.  YHC declared there would be no pavilion or echo chamber today and reviewed the 5 core principles and instructed the PAX to grab their waters and head off on a Mosey….

Mosey included high knees, butt kickers, nur, Carioca to both sides.   The mosey took the PAX from the parking lot to the dog park entrance where the PAX circled up and started with


Strawberry pickers IC

Michael Phelps


left middle and right stretches…


YHC arrived early and placed glow sticks at the start/finish point and at .2 miles at .4 miles .6 miles and .8 miles.  PAX headed out as a group and completed 5 count of first exercise, 10 count of second, 15 count of third and 20 count of 4th at .2,.4,.6,.8 and 1 mile mark.  Pax then received a new group of exercises to complete in the same fashion.

Course was from dog park area to the last speed bump (approximately .5 miles) in Adv Park.  PAX would reverse direction and head back to starting point completing exercises at each set of glow sticks along the way.

1st group-merkins, Carolina dry docks, OH claps, Moroccan NC’s

2nd group- BBSU’s, LBC’s, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks

3rd Group- squats, lunges, monkey humpers, calf raises

PAX completed approximately 3.3-3.8 miles during the beat down.



trail run-4/13

rucking practice 4/17

Gator Wilderness 4/24

Sup Run 5/01

Grow Ruck 5/14/5-16.  Stagecoach looking for support crew



Ripken able to attend live church service for 1st time in a year….


Stagecoach Friend Jay battling throat cancer

Injured PAX-Olympus, Mugsy, and others

Joe Road Rash’s dad coming home from hospital today

Families in Manatee County that experienced significant damage from the storm

First responders, military, and government officials

Thanks for coming out to start the week on the right foot……



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