When: 01/26/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Mr. Clean, Olympus, Posh,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mr Clean

The BackBlast:

FNG – Disclaimer

We are a peer led non-for profit group that uses public property for its work outs.

No one is a professional and everyone should work out to their own ability and comfort level.

Please modify as necessary as to not get hurt.


5 core principles

Free of charge

Open to all Men

Held outdoors, rain or shine, cold or hot

Rotation of leaders

Ends in a Circle of Trust


Quick Mosy and warm up as there is a Picnic calling

13 – SSH

10 – Strawberry Pickers

Round of Jimmy Dean Stretches



We each took a picnic table in the pavilion for 7 different exercises

We would do each exercise for 60 sec then a 15 second break then the next one till all 7 were done. We did 4 rounds of these exercise.

There were some modifications along the way were we switched out Burpees for an exercise.

Incline Merkins

Box Jumps (Twice we did Burpees instead)


V Crunch (once we did Burpees instead)

Split Lunge (30 seconds each leg) – leg up bench lunge down towards floor

Incline Shoulder Taps

Step Up drive knee thru (30 seconds each leg)


When all four rounds were done we had 1 minute left so we did a final round of burpees.



Count-o-rama following by Name-o-Rama


Reminder of the upcoming events

Clay Shoot event Saturday 1/30 –

Bayside Community Church Mens night is Friday 2/5 at 5:30pm. Do NOT need to be a member of Bayside to attend. Always a great time and great message.

Gridlocks “Bridge a Life” Super Hero Run on Sat 2/20 – Please sign up to the F3 Suncoast Team

Crab cakes SMA Raider Run on Sat 3/27 – Please sign up to the F3 Suncoast Team

Please contribute to the fundraiser to provide a meal for the Emergency Room Employees at Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

Meal/Blessing for Sarasota Memorial Hospital ER
F3 Suncoast would like to provide a meal for the hardworking men and women that are busting their butts in the ER (and more if possible) at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. As you may know our F3 Brother Defib is one of those in that unit and he says the unit would truly appreciate the support.
The first step is to raise as much money as possible which will then determine what we do for them and how many we can feed. Please reach deep into your heart and wallet and donate what you can. We would like to have the fundraising piece over in about 2 weeks which would be Sunday 2/8.
Again please give what you can so we can raise their spirits and we may even EH a worker or two without knowing it.
Paypal –
Zelle – 917 273 8587
Mike (Mr Clean)


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