AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 09/08/2020


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Lambeau, Mr. Clean, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

AO: Heritage Harbor

Not a Monday but feel like it.  78 degrees but high humidity.  Time to turn up the heat.

5 core principals..  Quick Mozy with some high knees and but kickers.  Circle of SSH, strawberry pickers, followed by Jimmy Dean inspired back stretches.

The Thang

2 min of each..

  • Rope pull
  • Sled push
  • Brick squats
  • Jump Rope


2 Min of each

  • Battle Rope
  • Brick Curl
  • Brick Upright Pulls
  • Bear Crawl

With some time to spare..

  1. Moroccan night clubs
  2. Overhead Claps
  3. LBC
  4. American hammers
  5. Homer to marge
  6. Windshield wipers



  • Walk to End Alzheimers is Nov. 21. Q Manziel
  • Sept. 13, 5K for the Pregnancy Center. Q Sir Wallace will be leading a group at Bob Gardner Park on White Eagle, but you can do anywhere (or on another day)


Prayers & Praises

  • Was great to have Lambo back amongst the pack.  Not sure if he was 2 happy with the beatdown but he went at it!
  • Roudy’s family and mother-in-law passing.
  • Police, troops, firefighters, first responders, doctors, nurses
  • Injured Pax


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