AO: Bad Clown Cycling - Friday

When: 08/26/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bing, Defib, Fireball, Olympus, Pincher, Ripken, Trump, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

So last night there was no Q for today so I signed up to Q, thinking it was going to be a solo ride (or maybe with Fireball). Well, it turned out to be a pretty good little Friday ride…Did an EC loop at 5:00a with Bing, Ripken, and Pincher. Picked up the rest of the pax at 5:15a. Different paces was the theme of the day, some going quite fast, some holding more a steady pace. All good for a close to 20 miler morning ride. YHC had to leave at 6:00a hard so had to miss COT.

Olympus, out.

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