AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 05/30/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Bing, Brutus, Cottontail, Crabcakes, Cupid, Local, Olympus, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather – Upper 60’s and glorious.

With Pincher downrange serving the family and starting another renovation project, we were left without our usual leader, but have no fear, he has taught us well.  5am hour was declared at 19-21 MPH by Crabcakes, but no one listens to him, as we have come to learn.  the pace was strong, the pax were feisty and the hour flew by, averaging the Blazing Saddles Loop segment right around 21.7 mph.  Trump arrived on time, unloaded his ride, but then decided to reload his ride for a different type of unloading.  He met us along Lorraine and jumped right into the torrid paceline like the champ that he is….a few lbs lighter supposedly.

Hour two commenced with Brutus, Cottontail and YHC actually listening to a suggestion from Crabcakes and headed down Hidden Trail to do some Country Club loops, exiting the loop on Masters/Lorraine.


  • New Nantan in our presence – Congrats to Brutus
  • Wildpax


  • Cottontail’s M and MIL with the passing of her step dad.
  • Pincher’s Grandpa and the family as he moves in with them to help him regain his strength (is there any better family to do this with the love they will pour into him).
  • All other intentions mentioned and not mentioned

No drama, not delays, nothing but cycling and fellowship.  They way F3 was meant to be!

Always an honor to lead this amazing group of men…

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