AO: Bad Clown Cycling - Friday

When: 04/29/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Bing, Cupid, Fireball, Olympus, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bing

The BackBlast:

Weather – the air was perfect and clear…for now.

With St. Anthony’s this weekend, it was declared to be an easy taper ride.  Meeting Fireball along the way is always a treat.  The theme for today was FELLOWSHIP and Stench – thankfully there was a LOT more fellowship than stench.  After a few laps around NBP and a lap our two around the mall, we wrapped it up.

Upon arriving back to the newish AO to join COT, it was apparent that a grease trap cleaning truck is the foulest smell to man.

Enjoyed riding, learning a lot about one another personally, and as always, ending in COT with a great group of me.

Announcements:  See the beatdown backblast by Gridlock – it is guaranteed to be entertaining and insightful.

~Bing Out

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