When: 04/20/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Lancelot, Mugsy, Olympus, Passport, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spinal Tap

The BackBlast:

7 of us gathered in the gloom for a tabata beatdown.  We started with a mosey around the parking lot with buttkickers, karaoke and side shuffles.  We circled up and did some strawberry pickers, old man windmills and Michael Phelps and got to it.  There were 8 sets of 20 seconds on with 10 second rests per round.  We alternated 2 exercises each round for a total of 5 rounds running a lap between each round.  They included the following;

Rd 1- Mountain Climbers/Star Jumps

Rd 2- Jump rope/Merkins

Rd3- Peter Parkers/ Parker Peters

Rd 4- Jump lounges/ American Hammers

Rd 5- Skaters/Freddie Mercury

The first 2 rounds needed an audible because they were supposed to have step ups and dips using the picnic tables but a thief stole most of them in the middle of the night.  A couple of praises need to be pointed out, first of all to Passport, it was his first post since kicking cancer’s ass so shout out to HIM!  Second Olympus didn’t let a bum wheel stop him and he was able to make it through with minimal modification.  Thank you all for posting, I enjoyed being your fearless leader this fine morning.

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