AO: Dixieland - Wednesday

When: 02/09/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Brutus, Fireball, Manziel, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

Pre-blast: Nada. 

PREP:  Conceive evil ways in which to test pax’s physical tolerance. 

WEATHER: 48F and not rainy, but wet.

5:05AM: At the first SE WD parking lot “island”, dropped off the whiteboard full of words and numbers, the new Sony speaker and a milk crate full of cement filled beer cans. 

5:15AM: Turn on Garmin. 5 core F3 principles.  A couple jokes about the light turnout (no problem – Nomad had a VQ @ UC).  

WARM UP: Semi-extended mosey in front of WD, turned north around the west side of WD, right turn going east, then left to the main apartment entrance.  There was the usual nur, high knees and butt kickers along the way. Square up (4 of us) at the apartment entrance for SSH, merkins (?), leg stretches (L, R, center), agitators and Michael Phelps. Finish mosey (a little quicker pace) back to the parking lot, grab water bottles, head to parking lot island with whiteboard. 


Starting at the aforementioned parking lot island, there are a total of 20 parking lot stripes heading north between this island and the storefronts.  There are also 2 other “islands” along this line of parking spots.  The parking lot stripes (lines) will be stopping points for assigned exercises – pax will stop at every stripe, every other stripe, or every XX stripe as assigned by Q, and perform the assigned number of a specific exercise or group of exercises.  The 2 “islands” do NOT count as a stripe.  Easy right?


1 x (1) Squat

2(2) Sun Gods

3 x (5) Imperial Walkers

4 x (5) Merkins

5 x (5) Burpees

————-> Run 1 parking lot lap

4 x (10) LBCs + (10) Leg Lifts

3 x (8) Jump Squats

2 x (7) Carolina Dry Docks

3 x MODE between stripes = Bear crawl, (10) American Hammers + (5) Big Boy Sit Ups

————-> Grab a pair of cement beer cans, run 1 parking lot lap

2 x with cans, (10) Moroccan Night Clubs

3 x with cans, (10) Overhead Claps

4 x with cans, (10) SSH

4 x with cans, (15) Crunchy Frogs

—————> with cans, run 1 parking lot lap

PLAYLIST: Brutus “F3 Songs” Spotify playlist

SUMMARY: Pax made it through the OH claps, then did about (20) SSH until 6AM.  Also, YHC let that pax off the hook and we skipped the bear  crawl mode.  YHC is a little biased, but this seemed to be a good one. About 2 miles traversed, kept the heart rate up, worked most body parts. Also lends itself well to a round of Mary’s using the stripes concept. 

Goob made an appearance after the COT.


Raider Run 5K Mar 12


Manziel’s M MRI

Fireball and family for upcoming Valentine’s Day, and a good talk with the 12 YO 2.0


I appreciate the pax following my silly lead!!


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