AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 06/18/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: AirWolf, Lobstah, Lulu, Sea Duty, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Sharkbait

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

Including YHC, seven strong Pax posted this morning at the newly named Echo Chamber.  Apparently, a local cross country team also meets at the AO on Saturday mornings.  Seeing how they were occupying the picnic table area, YHC immediately needed to think on my feet.  Not always the best way to do things, but it happens.


At 7 am, slow mosey to the basketball court for warm – o -rama.

Mission Statement – recited

5 Core Principles – you know it – done

Full 5 point legal disclaimer – check!


SSH x 15 IC; arm circles (both ways) x 10 IC; seal claps x 1o IC; overhead claps x 10 IC; Moroccan night club x 10 IC; temp squats x 10 IC; strawberry pickers x 10 IC; abe vigoda x 10 IC


By this point, the cross country folks had gone off to run an untold number of miles at a pace we mortals could not fathom.


Mosey back to picnic tables.


R leg step up x 10

L leg step up x 10

Erkins (incline merkin) x 10

Derkins (decline merkin) x 10

Dips x 10

Squats x 10

R leg Bulgarian Split Squat x 10

L leg Bulgarian Split Squat x 10



Mosey to echo chamber, using the clearly unlocked side doors…duh!


Exercise 1:  LBCs

Mode of transportation:  Side Squats

Exercise 2:  SSH


Ok, we are finally warmed up.  TClaps to AirWolf for getting his phone to play some music.  YHC needs to finish unpacking and find my speaker.


Mosey to pullup bar area for:  DORA

Partner up.

100 pull ups

100 WWIIs

100 Squats

Non-exercise partner run to middle of basketball court and back.


Just enough time for a couple minutes of Mary:  Low Flutters x 15 and then plank for 30 seconds.





Hope all you Pax got a good space at the beach this morning.  You were missed.

TClaps to Lulu and SharkBait for the partner work during Dora.

SeaWolf was able to get his phone and still was the first to finish the 11s….whatever.

It is going to take YHC some time to get used to this humidity.  You get used to it….right??


Beach day is today!  If you are not there already, you are in traffic

Prayer Requests – aging parents and family traveling and several not spoken prayers


FNG – Sharkbait is Lulu’s 2.0  Age 27(ish), and recently moved to the Tampa area.  Works in IT, and is thinking about making a transition to sales.  He mentioned that he was “bitten” by a shark once.  In reality, he may not have been.  AirWolf quickly threw out “Sharkbait”  and it stuck.  Welcome!


YHC took us out, giving thanks for the day.


Thanks for the keys, Lobstah!  I left them in the locked echo chamber.


Have a great day, and happy Father’s Day!




  • 3 for coffee after.  AirWolf was there for a few minutes, and then Lobstah and YHC enjoyed some coffee and 2nd F.  Boom!!




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