AO: Hamer Time - Thursday

When: 05/26/2022


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Drake, Fireball, Goob, Huey, Jimmy Dean, Pincher, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goob

The BackBlast:

Weather- Florida in late May; humid

  • YHC rolled in around 5:12am and similar to last week’s posting, saw many of the unusual suspects.  Upon eyes actually focusing, Goob noticed Huey, a newer PAX member he’s yet to meet.  Huey quickly stated that he wanted to compete in Augusta and needs work on running- with that, a snap decision was made.  YHC, normally known for bridge repeats, decided to venture onto the north loop and incorporate ten, 10 second sprints periodically to play with the heart rate.  Prior to entering the neighborhood through the gate, Goob ran directly into a monster spider web and yelled out, “Where’s Bing?  This is his job to clear the webs.”  Anyhow, Fireball and Trump raced ahead, Pincher and Goob hung with Huey, and JD and Drake did the bridge workout.  6.2 miles were had and many medals were achieved by Huey.  It was a great run.


  • The Murph at AP on Memorial Day, 7am
  • Wild PAX


  • JD is coming off his AFIB meds
  • Bing’s procedure for AFIB tomorrow at 1:20 at Doctor’s Hospital
  • Drake’s friends, Bill and Terri as they deal with cancer
  • Drake’s M, Jaime as she has breast cancer surgery next Thursday
  • First responders, teachers, students, and parents dealing with the tragedy in Uvalde, TX
  • Goob’s grandmother and father-in-law battling dementia

Always an honor men.


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