When: 11/24/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Lancelot, Mr. Clean, Olympus, Posh,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

Weather: a crisp 63F
As most all Pax did not get to enjoy my latest Q las Wednesday (except for Lancelot, but he does not count), I decided to rinse and repeat the workout as I got a lot of nastygrams about how many burpees I made them do. Last time we ran out of time so today my goal was to finish the workout. We welcomed two visitors: Elway (F3 Naperville) and Goal (F3 Cape Fear).

Warm Up: Took a little extra time to warm up, the pax may be feeling those hip flexors tomorrow.
• Mosey Jog 2 laps. Where we stopped a few times and worked on different drills stretches (SSH, side shuffles, karaoke with knee drive (that was interesting to see..), lunges). Finished warmup with running drills, as always. A-Skip, B-Skips. Straight leg kicks. The parking lot was dark (lights were out) so I assume everybody had perfect form in the running drills.
The Thang
10/20/30/40/50 Ladder workout. The idea is to start first round of exercise (i.e. 10), then run a lap (about ¼ mile), then plank for the 6th. Then do 10/20, run, plank. Then 10/20/30, and so forth.
• 10 (reps): burpees
• 20 (secs): Germans (short swim, long swim, push rock, temper tantrum, open/close arms and legs)
• 30 (sec): merkins
• 40 (sec): Squat jump/lunges/star jumps/monkey humpers
• 50 (sec): mountain climbers
Due to time constrains we did:
• 10, run
• 10/20, run
• 10/20/30, run
• 10/20/30/40, run
• 10/20/30/40/50, run
• 20/30/40/50, run
• 30/40/50, run
• 40/50, run
• 50, run
Squeezed 2.1 miles today, not too shabby. AND we finished the workout!
Wild pax coming,

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