AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 12/30/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Rapino, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: Guest: Down Range Puddin'

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

66 Degrees and Foggy

YHC got all set up and there was no one else, I thought that it was so foggy that I could not see them.  But in came a pair of headlights which brought Puddin’ to Bayside for the first time.  Just as we were about to start, another pair of headlights wee carrying Rapino.

After the 5 core principles and stating that I don’t do a lot of running when I Q, off we went on a mosey half-way around the parking lot, with some butt kickers.  We paused for some SSH, Strawberries, and Hillbillies.  We continued around the parking lot back to the parking area where we did some JD stretches and Michael Phelps.

Thang: Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022.

Three cones were set up 22 yards apart.  The instructions were to do 21 reps of the first exercise, then run to the next cone and do the same.  After the third cone, go back to the middle cone and do the next exercise, and so on.  We finished 21 different exercises with 15 minutes left, so what do we do, we repeat for 10 minutes.  With 5 left, we did a round of Mary with J-lo’s, Suzanne Summers, Toy Soldiers, and planks.

Exercises Completed were 21 of each:

Mountain Climbers
Dying Cockroaches
Heals To Heaven
American Hammers
Apollo Ono’s
Bobby Hurley’s
Toy Soldiers
Crab Jacks
Overhead Claps
Freddie Mercuries
Side Straddle Hops
Carolina Dry Docks
Imperial Walkers
Strawberry Pickers
Moroccan Night Clubs
Monkey Humpers
Flutter Kicks

Announcements:  Bridge to Life Run, Gator Wilderness Run, Sup and Run.

Prayers:  Rapino’s wife Sarah and her neck and back issue.  All the Pax that are grieving over the loss of loved ones this past year.  The Manasota Running Club that lost a couple of members this week. Our Military, first responders, medical staff.

Praises:  To Zeus on his retirement from Sarasota County Sherriff’s Office.  To God for allowing us all to get up and do what we do in the morning.

Always a pleasure to lead.



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