AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 01/23/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: 8 Mile, AirWolf, Chilipepper, Pork Roll, Rapino, Spartan,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

It was a beautiful 64 degrees ITG when YHC and 5 pax convened for a Dixieland Monday morning beatdown.  The 5 core principles and disclaimers were given as we started the mosey since there were no FNGs and my speaker actually worked today…. mostly.

W/U: Mosey

– high knees
– butt kickers
– karaoke (switch)
– toy soldiers
– 10 SSH IC
– 10 IW IC

4 corners of (Dixieland parking lot)
– 10 burpees
– 15 big boys
– 20 merkins IC (“down”)
– 25 squats

11s drill
– Carolina Drydocks & lunges (each leg)

Core samples (1 set)
– 20 LBCs
– 20 long swimmers
– 20 banana hammocks (switch after 10)
– 20 rock pushers
– 20 hippie dippies (switch after 10)

CoT:  Announcements — 2/3 is the Bayside Men’s Night at 5:30 (Service starts at 7pm) – get your tix ($10) and register at the link provided — there’s usually a strong F3 presence and there is food and fun for all.  2/9 there will be a 2nd F dinner at Poblano’s around 6pm for DR Pax NOMAD who will be in town from F3 Fort Worth.  Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine, hosted at Bayside on 2/10 is back in person.  Bridge A Life Super Hero 5K is 2/11.  Gator Wilderness Camp Trail Run 4/22 at 8am (5k, 10k, 15k, and Kids Run — prices increase with the distance except for the Kids Run, which is free and at 11 after the other runs are done).

TaPs: “F3 to You” this Saturday will meet at the Tower and proceed to a subdivision– see @Chilipepper for details.  Continued prayers Stagecoach’s sister Kim and Snapshot’s sister in their fights with cancer.  Also, prayers for Lancelot regarding his hearing and vision and upcoming procedures. Prayers for traveling mercies for Chilipepper’s sister-in-law who is traveling from Chile.  Prayers for any pax who are recovering or rehabbing injury and specific prayers for healing for Mike Flippiano (Spartan’s friend who had a heart attack and is still recovering) and Dave (another Spartan friend who had a mishap on a bicycle and has spinal cord damage that is affecting his arms/hands/fingers) and Andy Jackson (8 Mile’s friend who is recovering from a car accident.  Praises that my dad is home and prayers that he works well with his doctors well regarding his health and future.

Thanks to Spamalot for taking the open Q slot on 1/30 at Dixieland before I got this BB submitted.  February is practically here, guys.  When it shows up on the Q sheet, take 1 or 2 spots, please.  If you’re new and feel ready to Q, VQs (first time leading) always take priority over other sign-ups.  If you have only been to 1 AO, consider trying another.  Some AOs get less “cross-pollination” than others.  I posted to Bad Clown for my first time on Friday and it didn’t disappoint.  Accelerating means getting out of your comfort zone.  “Get comfortable with being uncomfortable” because if you don’t the envelope of comfort gets smaller and smaller over time.

-AirWolf, Out

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