When: 01/21/2021


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blade Runner

The BackBlast:

Jogged into the lot at 5:10 knowing it might be a solo workout, and not really minding the thought of that.  I had missed my speed workout planned for Wednesday, and it was running weather.

I don’t think I saw 5:16 before I took off on my speed workout:  4×800 at 5k pace with 400 jog recovery.

When I returned to the lot, I saw a (very hot) minivan with an F3 tumbler by the front tire.  I had abandoned my beatdown.  🙁

Instead of collecting my sweatshirt to jog home, I jogged laps around the parking lot until Chilipepper rucked his way into the lot.

His workout:  1 mile ruck with 20 burpees every quarter mile.

I think it’s fair to say that he preferred his workout and I preferred mine.

I joined him for his fifth set of 20 burpees, him with the ruck, me looking on in horror as I babied my way through 10.

We finished with two rounds of Marys.

30 second Muffin tops

20 big boy sit ups

30 American Hammers

… crap, I can’t remember the last one.

Chili made announcements and asked for prayers.

I offered a praise for my parents getting vaccinated today.

And a prayer…

Dear Lord

We’re grateful for this opportunity to exercise, to challenge ourselves and support each other.

We know that many are not as fortunate as we are.

Help us to appreciate all our blessings: our health, our friendships, our comforts, our families.

Help us to be generous to everyone we meet.

Give us the strength to be diligent in our work and face our challenges with courage and integrity.

In Your name we pray




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