When: 08/17/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Mugsy, Olympus,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Chilipepper promptly arrived at 5:15 with the pax eagerly waiting to get started.  Quick “don’t get hurt” notice and we mozied around the parking lot with High Knees, Butt Kickers and side shuffle.   We then performed some agitators, strawberry pickers and leg stretches.  I gave a quick rundown on what IronPax is and that this beatdown was pulled from week 2 of the 2019 IronPax Challenge.


4 Rounds with  35 pound coupon


10 Manmakers   (Burpee + overhead Press w Block)

20 Overhead Presses (Chest to full extension)

30 KB Swings (Above Eye Level)

40 Goblet Squats (legs parallel to floor or lower)

50 Incline Block Merkins (touch chest to block then full extension)

300+ meter run


We modified the run for time.  Shout out to Blade Runner, Muggsy and Olympus as it was a tough one.  Humidify and heat were a major factor and zero air movement (besides air displacement coming from ..?)




Kids + School + Teachers + support personnel.

Sir Wallace’s

Patience and for us to show love, compassion and forgiveness.


Chili Out!

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