AO: Echo Chamber - Saturday

When: 03/12/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: AirWolf, Drake, Manziel, Replay, Sleeper, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Sleeper

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

WX: Overcast and 75 degrees with a stiff breeze before the cold front moved in.
Covered the 5 core principles, gave a disclaimer and spent a little extra time for our FNG (heretofore Sleeper).

W/U: 15x SSH IC, 15x IW IC, 15x Abe Vigodas IC, Mosey to the dog park end of sidewalk with butt kickers, high knees, karaoke (switched), and nur on the way out.
15x lunges IC, 15x merkins IC, 15x jump squats IC, 15x crunchy frog IC, followed by an Indian Run back to the B-ball court.

The Thang:
Lobstah-esque (without the plank-to-back-to-plank-to-back "Lobstah rolls") tabata style beatdown
50 secs of exercise and 10 secs rest for the following 6 exercises:
- Merkins
- Squat with a Schotty Hop (squat with a calf raise at the end)
- Dying Cockroaches
- Long Swimmers
- Carolina Dry Docks
- LBCs
Followed by a lap around the "woods"

Completed the better part of 5 rounds with a slight mod at the end (6th run without the 6th set of exercises).

Announcements -- 2nd F 3/24 @6ish Glory Days (RSVP to @Pyro); Bayside Men's Night 3/25 @7pm; Gator Wilderness Run 4/23; SUP & Run 5K 4/30; WildPax will be in NOV before Thanksgiving - details down the road

TaPs -- Prayers for Recall's 2.0 Jacob and his surgery/recovery; Jaymie and Shane and their battles with cancer; Drake's mom (Jan) and her battle with dementia;
Praises for successful surgery for Mrs. Doubtfire (and prayers for future treatments); praises for Shamwow's continuing improvement.

Be the example -- have integrity in the small things.  Live 3rd! Aye!

AirWolf, Out.


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