When: 02/13/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Dr Feelgood, Papa Smurf, SnapShot, Steel,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr. Feelgood

The BackBlast:

This morning’s beatdown started off with 5 core principles and a little Indian run at the top of the hill with 2 sets of ST, Moroccans, inchworms, and mountain climbers. We got rained on at the end but all in good fun.

The Thang:

** Every 10 minutes the pax would either run the big hill, run the baby hill, or perform ST/SSH until the pax return at the top of the hill.

** Exercises were broken up into 4 sessions each timed for 10 min and each exercise performed for 1 min (AMRAP) with 20 sec rest break in between.

Session 1:  Merkins, Big boy sit-ups, Susan summers, X & O, Side lunges, Carolina Dry Docks (CDD), LBC, American hammers.

** Run the hill

Session 2:  Plank, Side plank, Squats, Alternating shoulder taps, Susan Summers, mountain climbers, Merkins

** Run the hill

Session 3:  CCD, 3 claps, pickle pointers, Freddy Mercury, Alabama ass-kickers, Aligator merkins, hillbilly crabs, X & O, Squats

** Run the hill

Session 4:  Planks, Incline pushups, X & O, golfer squats, Dips.

Circle of trust:

Prayer requests: Papa smurf – Everything goes well with the job interview and safety traveling. Brutis – All the race events happing this and next month.

Announcements: Yoder Physical Therapy & Wellness (Dr. Feelgoods business) will have a tent at the Super Hero 5K. We will be helping runners stay injury-free and getting them ready for the race. Stop by and say hi!!!

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