AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 12/10/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Lancelot, Repino, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

Cool, brisk 47 degrees

 If You’re Scrooged…You Have a Choice…You Are the Captain of Your Soul

5 Core Principles: Men, Free, Outdoors, Lead in rotation by Peers, COT

Warm Ups: Agitators, MP, SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Leg Stretches

Today’s workout is dedicated to the movie Scrooged. Bill Murray plays Frank Cross in the 1988 classic, Scrooged. He is visited by 3 Ghosts…the Ghost of Christmas Past (The Taxi Driver), Present (The Fairy) and Future (Death).

The Ghost of Christmas Past (The Taxi Driver)

This is Taxi Driver where PAX run, however there are stops and pick-ups along the way. Run, Drop of a passenger (Pax) and continue on the route. Passenger left at stop does Exercises until the Taxi returns to pick him up and drop off the next passenger

·       LBCs, Merkins, & Squats

The Ghost of Christmas Present (The Fairy) 

PAX Teamed up for a Dora.

Team of 2: Run Parking lot & back.

Pax left behind work through 3 exercises

100:  Flying Fairy Merkins -Hand Release Merkins, sticking arms out to the side like you’re flying

100:  Jingle Balls -High plank, right knee to right elbow, switch to left side and repeat

100: Fairy Squats -In narrow stance, toes pointed slightly outward at about 45 degrees, squat all the way down with your arms out and on the balls of your feet and back up. Heels should not hit the ground. You should look majestic in this squat, like a fairy.

The Ghost of Christmas Future (Death) 

Run to Building & Flag pole

Hate to break it to us all, we’re going to die. We continued our final Dora of the day.

  • 30 Chimney Divers – Wall  Merkins only:  imagine you’re diving down a chimney, ya know, like Santa Claus
  • 30 Scrooge’s Stacks of Gold -High Plank position facing bench. Lift right hand to bench (that’s 1 count), left hand to bench (that’s 2 count), right hand down, left hand down. Repeat with Right hand up again to 3 count, left hand to 4 count, etc.)

End the nightmare with a quick Round of “Mary Did You Know…”


Saturday AP 7am: Christmas Holiday Beatdown

  • Family friendly, 2.o’s & Ms, Coffee refreshments etc

10th Anniversary Postponed until October 2021

Prayers: David, Snapshot’s Brother in law, Military, Law Enforcement, Medical staff, teacher, farmers, and Leaders

Pax who are injured, safe travels, and blessings to all.

Scrooged is a comedy based on Charles Dicken’s  A Christmas Carol. As mentioned, Frank Cross, Bill Murray, gets a visit from 3 ghosts of the past, present, and future. You now know them better as The Taxi Driver, The Fairy, and Death. This movie and story does paint a dark picture. There is truth in that in our future all of us are going to die. However, hopefully in this COT we can shed some light on it and what we do about it.

This made me think about the What-What in F3. The What-What are the two questions in F3 we ask about Faith. 1) What happens when we die and 2) What does that mean in how I live my life today?

Think about that…

“Choice is your greatest asset”. 

The point here is we all have great power in the choices we make. Some of you contributed to today by making a choice in showing up and especially in making a choice to share your thoughts and ideas. There is great impact that can come in all the choices we make.

So back to the What-What…1) What happens when I die and 2) What does that mean in how I live my life today?

So I choose to close with a  poem and leave it to you to answer these two questions in the What-What…



Out of the night that covers me,

      Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

      I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

      Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

      How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

      I am the captain of my soul.

Remember, choice is your greatest asset. 

Blessed and honored – Lancelot

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