AO: Bad Clown - Tuesday

When: 04/25/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Bernie, Beta Max, Fireball, Goob, Ponzi, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: 0

QIC: Beta Max

The BackBlast:

We started off the morning with our core principles, our mission statement and a little disclaimer. At that point we went on a little mosey. We stopped midway through the mosey for some side straddler hops, overhead claps, strawberry pickers and monkey humpers. We then mosey’d back to the fake grass to start the beatdown.

Today’s beatdown was the F3 Track and Field Team Event. We paired off in teams of two for the 10×100 event. Team member A starts to exercise while Team member B would run to Best Buy and back, then they would switch.

100 Merkins
100 Big Boy Situps
100 Squats
100 LBC’s
100 Aligator Merkins
100 Lunges
100 American Hammers (each side)
100 Chuck Norris Merkins
100 Flutter KIcks (each leg)
100 Twinkle Toes

Two teams finished with 2 minutes left and were handsomely rewarded… with 2 minutes of burpees.

In the end it was a great morning for a workout.

Mysterio 2 4/29
Sup N Run 5/5
Murf Memorial Workout

Ponzi mother in law
Fireball daughter Aero

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