AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 12/17/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Abacus, Chilipepper, Flopper, Sig, Sir Wallace, Sweet Pepper, Switch, Tugboat,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Chill morning for The Tower.  8 PAX ready for some Elf Tactical Training.  Disclaimers and 5 Core Principles.  We did a quick mozy including Nur, Nur Butt Kickers, Nur High Knees.  Circled up and did 20 knuckle merkins (after quick instruction on how to properly make a fist), and strawberry  pickers.    Now to the tune of “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas SSH with a burpee on Hippopotamus.


Todays Elf Tactical training focuses on 1. Situational Awareness, 2. how to properly confront a threat and 3. the importance of training for the known and being prepared for the unknown.


The Thang,  we split into 4 teams of Big Elfs and Small Elfs.   25 Lb plates and 10 lb, KBs were provided.


DORA 200s

  • PAX 1 Runs Lap, PAX 2 – Flip
    • Total 200 x 20 at a time
      • 20 Knee around the world low
      • 20 Around the world high
    • Total 200 x 20 at a time
      • 20 Knee Steering wheel
      • 20 Half Knee Chop Lift

Circle Up – Mitt work – Right & Left Jab + Burpee Drops

Dora 200s

  • PAX 1 Runs Lap, PAX 2 – Flip
    • Total 200 x 20 at a time
      • 20 KB Front Lift
      • 20 KB behind the leg Squats

Circle Up – Mitt work – Right & Left Hook + Burpee Drops


Finished off with round knuckle merkins and squats .

  1. Situational awareness is important.  80% of assailants will not attack or abduct your kids if parents are likely to put up a fight and are aware.  Have a pre arranged key word with family if danger is detected.
  2. How to confront an assailant.  Avoid conflict, walk – run away.  There are no winners in a fight.  Use open hand defense if being approached as not to be threatening and instigate assault.
  3. F3 prepares us physically for known and unknown events.  Assailants are not likely to engage if you are fit.



  • We bring the Q to You! In January
  • Saturday 24th AP family friendly beatdown and cafeteria, The Tower is closed




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