AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 09/21/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Brutus, Cottontail, Pincher, Tooth Fairy, Yamaha,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Enron

The BackBlast:

Nice morning in the low 70’s, started off with a prayer for a safe ride.

Headed out Lorraine and once we crossed University, began reverse pace line sprints. Very similar to Indian sprints when running, the last man in line would sprint to the front, re-establish pace, and then the next man would sprint to the front. Rinse and repeat all the way to Fruitville then back to University. Great job by all in pushing the sprints and then falling back in line. Turned east on University to see some distant lightning and the first hints of a beautiful sunrise. After turning around on University and most of the way back down Lorraine, we stretched our legs and let the horses run.

Definitely enjoyed this morning’s ride. There is no doubt that my cycling is getting stronger because of this group – as iron sharpens iron…

Enron out

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