AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 08/27/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Abacus, Chilipepper, Marvel, Sig, Sir Wallace, Trane,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: ??

QIC: Trane

The BackBlast:

78 degrees and climbing w/ 96% humidity.

7:00 am – 5 Core Principals of F3 were given and Disclaimer was given.


  • Mosey – Lap around the parking lot w/ butt kickers, high knees, nur, and zig-zags.
  • Stretches – Leg stretches, Michael Phelps, Moroccan night clubs.

The Thang – #1 COUPON DORA

  • The six of us split into pairs and conquered:
  • 100 Merkins on coupons
  • 150 Coupon Squats
  • 200 LBC’s while holding coupon
  • 250 Coupon Curls
  • While partner ran roughly 75 yards to do 1 of 4 exercises w/ playing cards w/ amount of reps on card to do either Big Boy Sit-Ups, Shoulder Taps, Burpees, Lap Facing Church.

The Thang – #2  7’s while carrying coupon

  • Curl to Overhead Press
  • Big Boy Sit-Up w/ Coupon

The Thang – #3 Terrible Song

  • Everybody Up – by Five. American Hammers on “1,2,3,4,5” and Flutter Kicks throughout.

The Thang – #4 Bear Crawl – This is where the emotional ending came in.

  • Bear Crawl roughly 75 yards and run back to start. At this point, the PAX were spent. Beatdown and Beat Up. It seemed like time was standing still and 8:00 would never come. YHC finished the bear crawl and was headed back to the start and noticed a fellow PAX, who is an absolute BEAST and just did the Triathlon a week ago, on his knees not moving forward. I went over to him and got on all fours and said “Come on! You got this. Let’s finish this together”. As we were moving, I noticed the rest of the PAX gathering next to us, one by one, encouraging him on until he made it to the finish. And he did! That’s what I call “Leave No Man Behind”. I was leading the beatdown and realized it was my responsibility to help the fellow PAX. But to see the rest of the PAX come together to help and encourage another, really tugged my heartstrings. This is exactly why every man needs F3 in their life! We are a BROTHERHOOD! We are FRIENDS! We are ACCOUNTABILITY partners! WE ARE THERE FOR ONE ANOTHER!!

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama.


  • Wild Pax – November 17th – 19th
  • Laps for Life – October 8th. Sign up at
  • Iron Pax – Not too late to sign up!!


  • To all the HIM of F3
  • Chili’s 2.0’s birthday
  • Abacus’ daughter’s first week of college at FSU
  • Chili’s small group


  • Our Community
  • Continued Fellowship
  • Continue Reaching Out
  • Lancelot

Thanks again for allowing me to lead and realize what it truly means to ”




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