AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 04/27/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Abacus, Chilipepper, Sweet Pepper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Great day for a beatdown.  Disclaimer and 5 core principles.  We did a Mozy with butt kickers, side shuffle and nur.  Circled up and performed strawberry pickers, Merkin and went into

Bad Back Stretches.


Coupons were provided and a few demos of Block push, Block cross Merkins, and your favorite murder bunnies.


The Thang.


10 Manmakers   (Burpee + overhead Press w Block)

20 Overhead Presses (Chest to full extension)

30 KB Swings (Above Eye Level)

40 Goblet Squats (legs parallel to floor or lower)

50 Incline Block Merkins (touch chest to block then full extension)

300+ meter run w/coupon




CSAUP May 14th




Travel Mercies

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