When: 09/29/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Bubbles, Capt Ron, Chilipepper, Lambeau, Lancelot, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

75F 93% humidity

Heritage Harbour

warmup: Mosey lap around parking lot with the usual stuff. Circled up: arm circles, good mornings, SSH, strawberry pickers, hand walkouts to Merkins with calf stretches, high plank with alternating arm leg raises, low plank with Peter Parker’s

Today’s message: Do you have the fruit of the Holy Spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.


Crab walk to cone and back after each set. (Rep counts per leg)

100 Flutter kicks 10 Burpees

90 Mountain climber 9 burpees

80 swimmers 8 burpees

70 Freddie Mercury’s 7 burpees (Lancelot showed his ability to check email simultaneously) 

60 Merkins 6 burpees

50 Heels to Heaven 5 burpees

40 salsa dips 4 burpees

30 shoulder taps 3 burpees

20 Tricep dips 2 burpees

10  Carolina dry docks 1 burpee

Crab walk to cone and back after each set

100 Flutter kicks (ea. Leg) 10 Burpees

90 Mountain climber 9 burpees

80 swimmers 8 burpees

70 Freddie Mercury’s 7 burpees

60 Merkins 6 burpees

50 Heels to Heaven 5 burpees

40 salsa dips 4 burpees

30 shoulder taps 3 burpees

20 Tricep dips 2 burpees

10  Carolina dry docks 1 burpee



announcements: last week to get in your 5K laps for life virtual run

praises: To Capt. Ron for returning to the gloom after a long hiatus on the stormy seas, and for all the pax resisting fartsack syndrome and Pushing themselves through the beatdowns

prayers: for QuickDraw, bubbles, Lancelot, bing and all the spoken and unspoken requests on your heart.

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