AO: Bad Clown Cycling - Friday

When: 12/13/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Brutus, Cottontail, Fireball, Olympus, Ripken, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Ripken

The BackBlast:

Four hearty pax braved the sub-60 degree weather on their two wheels vehicles today.  Spinal Tap, Cottontail and Ripken.  Olympus showed up on the trail and claimed his alarm some how came unplugged from the wall.  Must have been a wild night at his house!  Crabcakes and Pincher HC’d, but decided their beds were more comfortable.

After riding 20 miles at a reasonable pace, we returned to Wawa to drop off Olympus, Spinal Tap and Cottontail and to pick up Brutus.  We should have named this AO Lyft instead of Blazing Saddles.

We rode the same route down and then Brutus added a twist to make us late getting home.  He loses track of time since he only has a sundial.  Brutus peeled off leaving just Ripken and Fireball to fend off any road ragers, al qaeda terrorists and wild kangaroos they encountered all by themselves.  Needless to say, they either encountered them, fought to the death and won…or luckily never encountered them at all.

Announcements: Salvation Army Xmas party tomorrow night, Gridlock’s Superhero 5k is open, Jingle Bells 5K on Friday at Benderson.

Prayers: Ripken’s son Hollywood, other pax’s kids and our fathering/leadership, Fireball & his M, Pincher and Crabcakes V’s.


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