AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 05/13/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Condenser, Dasani, Hardhat, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dasani

The BackBlast:


YHC arrived at 0500 and got caught up on work emails while the pax rolled in.
At 0515 we circled up for the 5 core principles and a brief synopsis of what lie ahead.

A Mosi around the parking lot with some high knees to get us moving.

The Thang

Today is YHC’s 2.0’s 7th birthday. So in PUMA’s honor we would do the 7 of diamonds.

Here’s how it works:
I modified this a bit from the exicon description…
Each round an exercise is chosen. At each of the four corners we would do a set of reps. That rep count increased by 7 at each corner.
Corner 1: 7x reps
Coner 2: 14x reps
Corner 3: 21x reps
Corner 4: 28x reps

We decided on:
Round 1: Big Boy Sit-Ups
Round 2: Jump Squats
Round 3: Merkins * at the 4ths corner YHC set up a coupon, a bucket full of landscape bricks where we did curls instead of merkins
Round 4: Dealers choice, something cardio related
Round 5: We began the descent starting at 28, then 21, then 14 etc..LBC’s this time at corner #1 and then dealers choice around the final 3 including some 30,60,90 – Hello Dolly’s and a few others that YHC has blocked from his memory.

With 4 minutes left we each took 1 minute in a round of mary to finish strong with 60 seconds of burpees, 60 seconds of moraccan night clubs, and burpees again.

Friday & Sat events 
Praises & Prayers
Good news for Snapshots brother in law David
Hardhat shared that as he has become a mentor to a kid at church God has spoken to him and is guiding him in a sober direction and away from alcohol. Though this journey is not easy and not instant every day is one step closer.

YHC left the group with a message that was tee’d up perfectly, though unintentionally by Hardhat.
Last night as I put Puma to bed I asked him if he’d had a good year as a 6 year old. He said yes and that his favorite part was winning his baseball game last night. It reminded me that he lives in each moment. He’s not thinking of tomorrow or yesterday but simply what he’s doing then. Or what just happened. As adults we forget to live in each moment and often times chose things in a moment that fail to brighten the big picture. Each choice we make, each moment we live we are painting a bigger picture. Sometimes we need to be reminded to stop looking and the big things and focus on the small ones. Every piece of a puzzle is important. Dont forget to make each puzzle piece fit to ensure the finished product looks great!

I hope that makes sense 🙂

Thank you for showing up today gentlemen. Thank you for sharing your journey with us hardhat.
It is always a pleasure! 

Dasani Out

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