AO: The Tower - Saturday

When: 08/14/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Chilipepper, Condenser, Sir Wallace, Sweet Pepper, Trane,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Trane

The BackBlast:

Weather: 78 degrees / 88% humidity

Trane’s 40th B-Day Beatdown!!

7:00 – 5 core principals and disclaimer was shared.


After a mosey around the parking lot that included some zig-zags, monkey humpers, butt kickers, high knees, and nur, we ended back to the start and circled up and completed the following in cadence:

  • 10x SSH
  • 10x Strawberry Pickers
  • 10x Michael Phelps.

The Thang: Playlist – Hits from 1982!! (If you want to feel old, I dare you to look it up)

Round 1:

4-Corners with 10 different exercises at each corner. MOT to each corner was facing direction of the church – side shuffle, nur, side shuffle, run.

  • Corner #1, 10 reps of each. (which included freshly painted, hand ripping, callus forming, F3 coupons) Burpees, American Hammers, Broad Jumps, Curls, Smurf Jacks, Merkins, Big Boy Sit-ups, Overhead Press, Shrugs, Diamond Merkins.
  • Corner #2, 20 reps of each. Shoulder Taps, Squats, Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks, Daniel Son, Dips, Bobby Hurley’s, Bonnie Blairs, Knalp (40 sec hold), Gas Pumpers.
  • Corner #3, 30 reps of each. LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, SSH, Freddie Mercury, Plank Jacks, Dolly’s, Arm Circles (big), Ferkins, Pickle Pounders (Chili really enjoyed showing Sweetpepper how he was conceived), Heels to Heaven.
  • Corner #4, 40 reps of each. Plank (40 sec hold), Flutter Kicks, Monkey Humpers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Nightclubs, Overhead Claps, Calf Raises, Arm Circles (small), Butt Kickers, Abe Vigoda.
  • Total of 40 different exercises and 1,000 reps!!

Round 2:

PAX headed back to Corner #1 to curl, shrug, merkins, big boy sit-ups, and overhead press, all with coupons.

Round 3:

Round of Mary for the last 5 minutes and ended at 8:00.

Summary: Age ain’t nuttin but a number.



  • WildPax: November 17th -19th
  • Laps for Life: October 8th


  • The HIM of F3
  • New Pride Park A.O.
  • New Port Charlotte A.O.
  • 2.0’s following the examples of their father

Prayer Requests:

  • Mothers and expecting mothers, to be able to seek help and guidance.
  • Continued prayers for our Lancelot.
  • Continued prayers for Zamboni’s family.
  • The success and outreach for VMA.
  • Continued prayers for Usher.
  • Prayers for Trane’s M going through life changes and difficult decisions.
  • Prayers for Condenser’s cousin Ashley who has multiple broken bones and a long road to recovery.


Thank you fellas for allowing me to lead and be involved in something great that brings Glory to God, Honor to our family, Fellowship with each other, Leadership to our communities, and Respect to ourselves.

Jake Ginkinger – Trane – 40!?! 








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