AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 04/20/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Enron, Manziel, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Weather: Well how many times will it take before we stop listening to the predictions…

YHC was set for an indoor spin as a backup plan but once awaken from the slumber, realized that there was hope for a road ride. So as Site Q it was off to the AO. Happy to see both Enron and Manziel in for the ride a well.

Since no official Q was there it was decided to go to Masters and then out across 70. We did COT prior to leaving and off we went. YHC quickly decided to call an audible and we just did laps on Masters to play a little catch me if you can, YHC and Enron vs Manziel. We had some fun sprints and caught Manziel just before the bridge on Lorraine on the way back. Great ride you 2!


Enron to find that proper fit on the bike as he’s adjusting to longer/faster rides.

Manziel and his work and continued success

For all those that couldn’t make it this gloom and for our safe ride.


Pincher Out

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