AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 03/15/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: AirWolf, Cavallino, Enron, Goob, Manziel, Stagecoach,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: CrabCakes

The BackBlast:

At 0515 the core principles were reviewed and a 3 lap mosey was completed. Mosey consisted of buttkickers, nur, high knees and carioca x2.  After the mosey the PAX assembled in the EchoChamber for some agitators, Michael Phelps, forward and reverse arm circles and a few leg stretches.

The Thang consisted of 6 rounds of 11’s.  The PAX were able to complete the first 6 groups listed on the picture.  In completing each round the PAX completed 55 reps of each individual exercise.  Apparently daylight savings impacts the level of mumblechatter but not the level of methane in the chamber……chatter was light throughout the beat down but flatulence was not……


Trail Run tomorrow night

Raider Run 3/2 7

Gator Wilderness 4/24

Sup/Run 5/01

Grow Ruck 5/14-5/16


Airwolf and family moving into their home

Enron’s 2.0 going back to work today

Clear star filled sky…


Stagecoach for a safe trip to Ocala towing a trailer

All the PAX struggling with Mental Health or Physical Health

First responders, military, government officials


Make it a great day,

CrabCakes out….



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