When: 10/17/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: El Capitan, Tinker Toy,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

Big News!!! – see end of this Backblast.

And to the gloom this morning: Another gorgeous day on the Bay! Lower humidity than the 97% we swam through at The Pier (foreshadow- see Big News at end of BB) on Wednesday and great breeze coming from the water.

COP: A rare bypass from YHC to lead the crew to Hooker’s Pier, but we ran south on the bay path to the playground for COP surrounding a big fake rock. SSH, Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigodas, Mountain Climbers and 10 merkins for fun.

Mosey more south towards the Vinoy Basin, but with a stop for squats, declines and dips.

Mosey to the newly named Circle of Pain adjunct the the pink and swanky Vinoy Resort. Ran to 3 stops with an exercise lead by each pax (rotating at each stop: LBC’s, Diamonds, Carolina Drydocks, Dolly and other mentionables. Two laps for total of 6 exercises.

Headed back north to a small triangle near the swim club for a new exercise (maybe Triangle of Pain??…will have to work on the name). We moved right(4-5 yards), we moved left, we moved forward and we moved backward – even a Carioca for fun – around the triangle. When we changed directions, we dropped for 10 merkins (mostly; mixed a few random other exercises in as well). Definitely a set to raise your heart rate.

Pain break on way back towards the shovel flag with step ups (or jump ups if preferred) on Volley Beach, then dips and inclines.

Moseyed to tennis courts for 4 Corners (YHC is a 3rd generation Tarheel thus a bit of celebration in anticipation of the FSU game tonight). Meet at middle of two courts and run to a corner for a called exercise (10-15 reps), then run back to center then rotate to the next corner and so on. We did wide arms, Freddy Mercs, dying cockroaches, Bobby Hurleys, Heels To Heaven, Alpha (on back and spell spouses name with legs),merkins, squats, LBCs, the W and a few more. Lost count, but think we had 11-12 different exercises in short order.

Mosey on to the Shovel Flag for COT: Countarama, Namearama, Announcements (none) and prayer requests. Tinker Toy took us out and included a prayer for one of El Cap’s men in his Honduran mission field who needs financial support for a surgery.

BIG NEWS!!! St, Pete is starting it’s second workout Wednesdays called The Pier (5;30 at the new Pier….duh). What an excellent terrain for atmosphere and huge variety of workout possibilities. Massively unique in F3 Nation. El Capitan felt called to be the site Q and the official launch will be sometime in November. But we already have had two posts there and plan to be there each Wednesday until the launch. Come join us!

Great to lead great men in the great F3 experience.

YHC (Bird Hole)

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