When: 12/19/2020


Number of Pax: 1

Pax Names: SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

48 degrees and crisp.

Today was again a solo for me.  As I knew I had a Celebration of Life to go to later this morning, I dedicated this workout to a young lady who went home to heaven way to early.  Tess Rosales was only 53 and had two great children,  Jason and Jasmine.  She lost her battle to cancer on Dec. 5th.  So in honor of her, my beatdown consisted of Their Names are the Excersises.

After doing some bad back stretches and a mosey around the Audubon building to the east parking lot, I started with some SSH, Micheal Phelps, and arm circles.

Then it began.  There was a different exercise for each letter in their names.

T – Toy Soldiers 30 each leg
E – Dying Cochroachs 30 reps
S – Strawberry Pickers 30
S – Strawberry Pickers 30
Run a lap of the parking lot

J – Jump Ups Bobby Hurley’s 30
A – Al Gore hold 1 minute
S – Strawberry Pickers 30
O – Overhead Claps 30
N – North American Hammers 25
Run a lap of the parking lot.

J – Jump Ups Bobby Hurley’s  30
A – Al Gore hold 1 minute
S – Strawberry Pickers 30
M – Mountain Climbers 20
I – Imperial Walkers 30
N – North American Hammers 25      E – Dying Cochroachs  30              Run a lap of the parking lot

R – Russian Twists 30
O – Overhead Claps 30
S – Strawberry Pickers  30
A – Al Gore hold 1 minute
L – LBCs 30
E – Dying Cockroaches 30
S – Strawberry Pickers 30
Run a lap of the parking lot

The lions decided that I needed to do four sets of burpees also.

There was still time for a lap around Mount Celery.  Finished right at 8:00.

Tess was a avid runner, biker, swimmer and competed in many triathlons, marathons and Spartan races.  She will be missed.

My youngest son Kevin went to school with Jason from K-12 and they were dorm mates at FGCU.

Prayers: the Rosales family, my brother in law David with cancer, our first responders, military and medical professionals.

SnapShot  ?

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