AO: Bee Hive - Thursday

When: 02/03/2022


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Nomad, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Temp: a balmy  60°

I thought it might just be me this morning,  but at 5:15 in rolls Nomad.  It was the 1st time he had been to Bayside and wasn’t sure if he was at the right spot.

The five core principles and disclaimer were given as we took a  mosey around the parking lot, stopping for some old man stretches, Micheal Phelps, and arm circles.

I borrowed this beatdown from Bing that he did a couple of weeks ago at AP, thinking that there would not be any PAX here that attended AP.

One PAX would run to the end of  the parking lot and pickup a thank you card with two excercises on it.  The first excercise was to be done with the count, when all had finished, the other PAX would run and pickup the next card.  While he was running, the first PAX would do the second exercise AMRAP.

Here are the cards and excercises done.  Not in this order.
20 No Surrenders/ 30-60-90
30 Leg Thrusts /  Shoulder  Taps
20 Strawberry Pickers / Windmills
20 Monkey Humpers / Squats
30 LBCs / Morracan Night Clubs
30 Flutter Kicks /  Al Gore
20 Bobby Hurley’s / Merkins
20 Freddie Mercury’s / Overhead Claps
20 Crab Jacks / Toy Soldiers
30 SSH / Carolina Dry Docks
20 Mtn Climbers / Dying Cockroaches
20 Heals to Heaven /  Burpees
25 Amer Hammers / Apollo Ono’s

With 8 minutes to go we searched thru the cards for excercises that we did not do and did them on our own.

Announcments:  Bridge A Life 5K.  Prayers: Nomads safety this weekend doing the Full Spectrum Warrior Summit.
Nomad asked to do the prayer, for his wife and sister and wanted to pray for my on-going heart condition.
Praises:  for all of us to get out here and do these beatdowns and fellowships.

SnapShot 📸

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