When: 10/11/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Gold watch, Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spinal Tap

The BackBlast:

YHC showed up this morning all fired up for a brutal beatdown but to my surprise the lights were out in the parking lot leaving a very eerie quite scene, after recently watching the Jeffery Dahmer series on Netflix this beatdown almost didn’t have a Q.  But I put on my big boy pants and sat in the truck shivering until Gold Watch arrived to protect me and the workout could go forward.  I had a nice little recycled tabata workout with various exercises swapped out.  Did 3 sets of exercises doing 3 rounds per set with bear crawls and NUR in between sets.

Rd. 1 –  Break dancers, merkins, jump squats, plank jacks

Rd. 2 – Burpees, lobster rolls, flutter kicks, CDDs

Rd. 3 – Mountain Climbers, Apollo Ono’s, donkey kicks, LBC’s

There was a 4th round but when I checked the clock it was 6am exactly so that will have to wait for my next Q

This is Spinal, Tapping out

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