AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 06/08/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Enron, Pincher, Smarty Pants, Sniper,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

YHC had pre-blasted on Slack we would be hitting a segment or two this gloom. As we were discussing which direction the wind was blowing, to be sure we got the most advantage for the task at hand, Smarty Pants pulled in and began to unrack his bike.

We did names, announcements, praises and circle of trust. Prayers for Chris, swat buddy of Sniper who recently lost his M to cancer. Also for anyone who’s facing mental demons to find someone they can confide in.

The direction of the wind was elusive to us, as we couldn’t nail it down. So off we went to hit the (2) Hidden River,  just under 2 mile, segments. Easy ride out and hit it hard for the east bound segment first. Well about half way in it was confirmed…we had head wind this way. So in @Bing “Omaha” fashion we decided to slow up and hit it hard the other way, on the west bound segment. Once we turned the corner it was on, staying tight and with quick pulls and drop back we nailed it, moving all of us up the Strava list, with some new PRs.

Smart Pants expressed his hope to get in some good consistency paced mileage. So we all obliged and went out for about 12 miles of 20+ steady pace, finishing back at Wawa.

Pincher out!


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