When: 10/06/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Birdhole, El Capitan, Smudge, Tinker Toy,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

Welcome back Reborn! FOB (Friend of Bing) Reborn makes a sojourn to the Bay Area each year from Rock Hill, SC (outside of mothership Charlotte). Smudge led him on a weekday post last year for an unofficial yet first weekday DTSP, but we stepped it up for him this year. 5 were at the brand new St. Pete Pier for the 2nd unofficial DTSP post. The Pier (26 square miles and about 1/2 mile long jutting into Tampa Bay) is quite an awesome experience with very different areas and ways to experience. Nothing like it in F3 nation…we might even make this a regular offering in the Tampa Bay Area. Glad to have you again Reborn!

COP: Short mosey to one of the million open spaces on the Pier: SSH, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Merkins, and Running With Scissors

Since this is our first post at The Pier and with a special guest, YHC decided we would go from beginning to end with stops of pain on the way. Lots of moseying to get down and back this linear tourist masterpiece.

o Merkins, Carolina Drydocks, and Inclines on a circular wall

o Backward runs mixed with carioca and walking lunges on a couple of the tropical paths on the side of the Pier.

o Mosey to steps entering Spa Beach for quick series of short runs up the steps mixed with 10 LBC’s, then 20 LBC’s and then 30 LBC,s

o Mosey to steps in central of pier that lead to water. A repeato of sorts with runs up these longer and wider steps with again 10, 20 and 30 LBC’s.

o More moseying towards end of pier with a few stops for merkins: 7 then 14 then 21.

o At end of Pier, we did dips and asked Reborn to offer a few exercises: step ups, dips and inclines.

Prayer Pause: YHC lead the crew to the very end for a prayer of praise for these men, the workout, and the awesome place. Also a plea to Him that other men need to be revealed to join DTSP!

o  For the return, up and around various steps (about all the hills you get in St. Pete) and around front of main structure for some mini-Mary I: Dolly and Freddie Mercs

o Continue the return mosey adding high knees and butt kicks

o Stop for mini-Mary II with Heels to Heaven and Rosalita.

o Another stop at a bench for dips and declines.

o AYG for last 100 yards to the beginning of the Pier

COT: Namearama and Countarama. Prayer requests for a 2 week 1600 mile sojourn for Smudge and his family to Canada and back. Reborn accepted our request to take us out…and he did it very well. A mini-coffeteria with some legit Honduran coffee brought again by El Capitan (one of his ministries; sales support orphaned, abandoned, and abused children in Honduras: Can’t wait for the Return of Reborn in 2021!




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