AO: Hard Knocks University Ruck - Wednesday

When: 01/05/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Cavallino, Enron,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

We Spit off the Bootcamp PAX and mozied to the center of the parking lot.


Question to the PAX: Does anyone know any of the five foundational q points listed in the Qsource?

  • Disruption
  • Language
  • Group
  • LDP (Leadership Development Process)
  • Preparedness


Let’s make it a burpiee, Demonstrated a six-count burpee performed slowly in cadence:


  1. “One” replaced with “Disruption”
  2. “Two” replaced with “Language”
  3. “Three” replaced with “Group”
  4. “Four” replaced with “LDP”
  5. “Five” replaced with “Preparedness”


5 Foundation Burpees together in cadence. Starting positions…..Move

In Foundation Cadance; Exercise


  • Disruption, Language, Group, LDP, Preparedness, PAX responds with “ONE”, “TWO”


Four corners – From quadrants in the Qsource


  • Transport to Q1, Ruck off, Bear Crawl (Like a Baby turning into a Man)


Quadrant 1, Get Right 12 Q points.

  • 12 Step Suicide.
  • Transport Crawl Bear to Foundational Circle
  • 5 Foundational Cadence Burpee
  • Ruck UP, go to Q2 – 7 Q Points


Quadrant 2,  Live Right –

  • 7s – Ruck Press to Ruck Swings
  • Nur to the Foundation Circle
  • 5 Foundational Cadence Burpee. Rucked up.
  • Shuffle to Quadrant 3


Quadrant 3 “Lead Right”

  • 12 step suicide, farthest to closest –  Doing the Hard Easy rather than the Easy Hard.
  • Shuffle back to the Foundation Circle
  • 5 Foundational Cadence Burpee. Rucked up.
  • Bear Crawl from center to corner


Quadrant 4 “Leave Right”  –

  • Dora of 10 reps, IC
  • Performed Squat High Knees, Big Boyz, Merkinz
  • Run to Foundation Circle
  • 5 final foundation Circle burpees (slick or while rucked up)


Foundation Q Points and Quadrants were explained during the beatdown.


Here is a link to the original Wad, Thanks Olaf!

From <>


We then joined the rest of the PAX for COT.



  • Re-invigorate beatdown Saturday 8th 7:00 AM @ AP followed by breakfast.  Breakfast time sign up on Slack.
  • EH Event at Parrish UMC (The Watchtower) 9th at 9:45 till 12:00.  Join me with fam for 10:30 service)
  • New AT The Watchtower, Parrish UMC parking lot 15th at 7:00.  Cafeteria provided post beatdown.
  • Super Hero Run 2/5


Praises – Prayers

  • Pax fighting Covid or other infirmities.
  • Fireball mammon challenges with passing of patients
  • Sparklers first worship service

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